Jablkoň & Svěcený - Mumlava
1. Návraty / Returns
2. Popí rondo / Orthodox priests' pop rondo
3. Mumlava / The mumlava river
4. Nešťastný mládenec / Unhappy youth
5. Kolotoč / Merry-go-round
6. Bláznivý valčík / Crazy waltz
7. Krajina Ró / Landscape of Rho
8. Kolíček / Peg
9. Loučení / Parting
+ bonus Bláznivý valčík II. / Crazy waltz II.
The unique connection of the violin with the non-traditional work of art of a popular band Jablkoň. Exotic musical instruments, unusual sound and rhytmical combination and the spectacular music clash with a traditional classical music.
Parametr | Hodnota |
format | CD audio |