CD 1
1. Dance of death - Where are we going so fast - Oh my God, oh my love 1:51
2. At our Bárta's 1:17
Five Baroque Dances (Kristian Hirschmentzel, 1638-1703)
3. Alia phantasia 1:16
4. Alia non illepide 1:29
5. Alia I 1:26
6. Alia II 2:10
7. Saltus civilis 2:01
8. Bon Repo dance of death (1720) 2:32
9. Valachica (cca 1700) 2:30
Three dances from Haná (cca 1700)
10. She cooked cakes in cold water - A maid walked sadly 1:52
11. At a fair in Prostějov 1:43
12. Dance Song 2:37
Songs and Dances from the Ondřej Hůlka's Collection from Zlatá Koruna
13. Kate, Kate, Kitty 1:49
14. Go, my true love, go to the woods 1:44
15. In our yard 2:28
16. Look, they are pulling down the Krumlov castle 2:21
17. Those bells of the monastery - Unploughed fields 2:09
18. Oh, my own lad 2:17
19. My love is from Rájov 1:39
20. Hyey, carrier, carrier - I am a carrier 2:47
21. All girls of monastical village 2:28
22. The country is green all around the monastery 1:51
23. The peasant is coming from Prague 3:49
24. In our village green 4:06
25. They are putting horses on in the monastery 1:29
26. Grass is green around the monastery 2:23
27. Look, girl, look 2:26
28. Those sheep of Krňany 3:00
29. From the ground I have come onto the ground 3:18
30. There are fields around the monastery 1:47
31. If there were war - Look at me 2:15
32. Go to the forest, my sweetheart - An oak tree is growing 2:12
33. On our village green 3:10
34. Hey, lad, put the horses on 1:40
CD 2
The Oldest Collections of Czech Folk Songs and Dances
1. Dances Nos 23 and 54 from Čáslavsko 1:23
2. Dances Nos 24 and 55 from Čáslavsko 1:47
3. Dance No. 21 from Čáslavsko 1:39
4. Dance No. 15 from Klatovsko 1:18
5. Dances Nos 35 and 46 from Loket 2:18
6. Dances Nos 9 and 10 from Plzeň 2:25
7. Autumn season come 2:14
8. As she climbed into the carriage 2:14
9. And I shall not be here 2:04
10. Wait now, carrier boy 2:20
11. Why oh why, shweetheart of mine 2:02
12. Slow rise 3:18
13. If only I knew 1:51
14. The sorrow I have 2:09
15. Meadow, meadow 1:24
16. My chubby lassie 1:32
17. So sad, I wouldn´t have known 1:51
18. Slapdash 1:25
19. I had a sweet dove 2:48
20. Yesterday the sun shone for me 3:08
21. If, by Godś grace 2:32
22. Pay me, oh farmer 1:59
23. My cherished meadows of Dolany 2:03
24. The old country tavern 2:25
25. The nightingale's song 1:25
26. Round about Prague 2:28
27. Green is the meadow 2:18
28. How cruel love can be 1:08
29. Leave me alone, my laddie 2:47
30. Is it true or is it not 2:52
31. As I will ride through the wood 2:12
32. The linden tree stood all alight 2:11
33. Go to sleep, dark eyes 2:35
34. As you pass by the entrance gate 2:46
Recorded at the Dobříš chateau, May 22-24, 1989 (CD2 / 7-34), at the Motorlet Studio, Prague, September 26-29, 1989 (CD1 / 13-30), at the Martínek Studio, Prague, May (CD1 / 1-12, 31-34, CD2 / 1-6).
Twenty years ago, Josef Krček and the ensemble Musica Bohemica made three landmark recordings that conveyed to the listener genuine treasures from the oldest collections of Czech folk songs and dances. More than at any other time, in the 17th and 18th centuries folk songs mingled with the music heard in churches and aristocrats' courts; after all, it was played by the very same musicians, teachers and folk bands. These songs and dances have been preserved owing to the official collection carried out in 1818 in the governorates of the Austrian Empire, as well as sources compiled by collectors in various corners of Bohemia - either folk musicians (e.g. the fiddler Ondřej Hůlka in the Zlatá Koruna area), or churches (e.g. 17th-century dances noted down by the chronicler of the Cistercian Order at Velehrad, Kristian Hirschmentzel). A versatile musician and composer, Jaroslav Krček has arranged the songs with his singular signature and a sense for the uniqueness of every one of them. Musica Bohemica's recordings, which over the years have lost none of their beauty and inimitability, are now released with a sensitively remastered sound.
Folk songs and dances of the Bohemian Baroque with Musica Bohemica - gems with a beating heart and the scent of history.
Před dvaceti lety vydal Josef Krček se souborem Musica Bohemica tři nahrávky, které posluchačům objevily ryzí poklady z nejstarších sbírek českých lidových písní a tanců. V 17. a 18. století se v Čechách lidové písně více než jindy prolínaly s hudbou znějící v kostelích i na šlechtických dvorech; všude ji koneckonců hráli stejní hudebníci, kantoři a lidoví muzikanti. Tyto písně a tance se dochovaly díky guberniálnímu sběru, jiné zapsali sběratelé v různých koutech Čech – někdy sami lidoví muzikanti (např. hudec Ondřej Hůlka v okolí Zlaté Koruny), jindy jsou prameny z kruhů církevních (např. tance v 17. století zapsané cisterciákem Kristianem Hirschmentzelem). Všestranný muzikant a skladatel Jaroslav Krček upravil písně se svým nezaměnitelným rukopisem a s citem pro jedinečnost každé z nich.
Nahrávky souboru Musica Bohemica, které ani po letech neztrácejí na kráse a jedinečnosti, teď znovu vycházejí s pečlivě remasterovaným zvukem!
(Supraphon 2012)
Parametr | Hodnota |
format | CD audio |