Collection of Lubeník 1762-1775 - Solamente naturali, Rita Papp harpsichord
1. Murqui laente
2. Polnischer Murqui
3. Trio
4. Aria
5. Polonoise
6. Polonoise
7. Capricio
La Folle
8. La Folle
9. Aria
10. Polonicus
11. Spagnioletta
12. Sarabanda e variatio
13. Courante
14. Ballo Anglois
15. Menuet
16. Menuet
17. Tempo di Menuet
18. Capricio
19. Andante
20. Murqui
21. Caffe Menuet
22. Lilium Cornelii e Variatio
23. Flos Narcissi
24. Murqui
25. Polonaise
26. Tri
27. Mourqui tres belle
28. Murki undula maris
29. Fuga del Sign Muffat
30. Pri skonání dne
31. Gallanterie
32. Salt. Pol.
33. Polon.
34. Salt Polon. Jaj, jaj, hova legyek
35. Steirisch, ot mesj ot darku
36. Murqui Ex C
37. Harlequin
38. Bez názvu
39. Aria Sie flihet fort!
40. Von Cecila
41. Aria Sie flehet fort!
42. Alt. Pol.
43. Polon.
44. Huter Geschrey
45. Flos Hyacinthi
46. Bez názvu
Solamente naturali:
Miloš Valent violin, viola, Rita Papp harpsichord, Marek Špelina traverso flute, recorders, Stanislav Bartko vocal solo (30), Andrej Štafura organ, church Mokrá Lúka, Lubica Habart violin, Peter Vrbinčík viola, Michael Sťahel cello
Lubeník Collection is an anonymous music manuscript coming fom the second half of the 18th century. In the history of music in Slovakia it represents the domain of the urban music life and practice of town musician in the period of Early Classicism. It contains music designated for the church service, or on private and social secular occasions, as well as music for a refined entertainment of the society of the time. The collection was discovered in Lubeník in the house of Samuel Novák, the teacher of the local school of the Evangelical Church of Augsburg Confession in the period 1873 - 1909. No notes reveal the place and time of its origin, its owner or scriptor, there are no signs disclosing the composers of the pieces (with the exclusion of two composers names - Obermayer and Muffat, the authorship of whom has not beenreliably confirmed yet). The Lubeník Collection brings us compositions coming from different territories, which have their counterparts in the sources of instrumental music form the 17th century and the first half of the 18th century as concordances, variants, or exceptionally popular period dances as the most prevalent repertory of the instrumental music from 16th to 18th centuries. The Lubeník Collection brings us compositions coming from different territories, which have their counterparts in the sources of instrumental music form the 17th century and the first half of the 18th century as concordances, variants, or exceptionally popular period dances as the most prevalent repertory of the instrumental music from 16th to 18th centuries, mostly with Jan Adam Šantrach Collection and Jan Fabricz Collection.
Zborník z Lubeníka, anonymný notovaný rukopis z druhej polovice 18. storočia, reprezentuje v dejinách hudobnej kultúry na Slovensku sféru mestského hudobného života a prax mestských hudebníkov v období raného klasicizmu. Obsahuje hudbu typicky užitkovú, určenú na využitie v rámci bohoslužby v kostole, resp. pri svetských príležitostiach: duchovné piesne, organové skladby pre kostolný chór, módne tance, žartovné skladby, nemecké piesne, skladby galantného štýlu späté so zábavami a domácim muzicírovaním. Zborník bol objavený v Lubeníku v dome Samuela Nováka, učitela v tamojšej škole. Zborník z 2. polovice 18. storočia uchovával vo svojom dome Samuel Novák, učiteľ z Lubeníka. CD Collection of Lubeník už na prvé počutie prekvapí svojou pestrou dramaturgiou. Duchovné piesne, organové skladby pre kostolný chór, módne tance, žartovné skladby, nemecké piesne, skladby galantného štýlu späté so zábavami a domácim muzicírovaním.
Parametr | Hodnota |
original instruments | Ano |
format | CD audio |
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