Letim... / I Am Flying... (1985) 19:07
The Last Word (1993) 7:51
A Winged Creature (1994) 12:08
Chandra (1995) 5:52
OM-Age (1998) 12:11
Ensemble Mondschein, Prague Philharmonia (Prazska komorni filharmonie), conducted by Miroslav Pudlak
Miroslav Pudlak (1961) studied music composition and musicology at Prague and Paris. He attended courses in composition at Darmstadt, Kazimierz, and Amsterdam. In 1985 he founded Agon, the Prague ensemble for contemporary music, which he led till 1990. He was later on scholarships to France and the USA, worked as a musicologist, and taught at AMU, Prague. Since 1995 he has collaborated with Mondschein as a conductor and a composer. His music has been performed at concerts and festivals in the USA, England, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Finland, the Ukraine, Mongolia, and France. Pudlak's compositions appear on the recordings Agon (1990) and Mondschein (1996), both on ARTA Records.
(Arta Records)
Parametr | Hodnota |
format | CD audio |
Odkazy k výrobku
sound clips |