Ladislav Mráz - Bass-baritone Arias and Songs
1. Antonín Dvořák (1841-1904) - Rusalka (Běda, běda, ubohá Rusalko bledá... / Alas, alas, pitiful Rusalka pallid)
Vodník / The Watersprite
Prague Radio Orchestra, conductor František Dyk [1960] 5:59
2. Alexandr P. Borodin (1833-1887) - Kníže Igor / Prince Igor (Je kníže spokojen...? / Is the prince content...?)
Galicijskij / The Princ Galitsky
Jeroška / Jeroshka - Karel Hruška, Skula - Hanuš Thein, chorus
Prague Radio Orchestra, conductor František Dyk [1953] 6:53
3. Charles Gounod (1818-1893) - Faust a Markétka / Faust (Píseň o zlatě / The song about gold)
Mefistofeles / Méphistophéles
Prague Radio Orchestra, conductor František Dyk [1960] 1:59
4. Richard Wagner (1813-1883) - Prsten Nibelungův | Valkýra / Der Ring des Nibelungen | Die Walküre (Wotanovo loučení s Brünhildou / Wotan´s farewell with Brünhilde)
Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra, conductor Alois Klíma [1956] 16:12
5. Hector Berlioz (1803-1869) - Bretaňský pasáček / Le jeune pâtre Breton op. 13, č. 4 (H65) / Op. 13, No 4 (H65)
from the song cycle Fleur des landes
Ferdinand Pohlreich piano, Josef Červinka French horn [1956] 3:01
Gustav Mahler (1860-1911) - Sedm písní z poslední doby / Sieben Lieder aus letzter Zeit
6. Já cítil lípy vonný dech / Ich atmet´ einen Linden durf 3:32
7. Miluješ krásu / Liebst du um Schönheit 2:08
8. Nedívej se do mých písní / Blicke mir nicht in die Lieder 1:51
9. Já smutný svět jsem opustil / Ich bin der Welt abhanded gekommen 6:02
10. O půlnoci / Um Mitternacht 5:49
11. Mrtvý bubeník / Revelge 6:33
12. Smutný bubeník / Der Tambourg´ Sell 5:24
Ferdinand Pohlreich piano [1955] 31:30
13. Jules Massenet (1842-1912) - Elegie / Élégie op. 10, č. 5 / Op. 10, No 5
Ferdinand Pohlreichpiano, Josef Pražák cello [1956] 3:38
Richard Strauss (1864-1949) - Písně / Lieder
14. Krásné, však chladné hvězdy nebes / Schön sind, doch kalt die Himmelssterne op. 19, č. 3 / Op. 19, No 3 2:06
15. Tajné vyznání / Heimliche Aufforderung op. 27, č. 3 / Op. 27, No 3 3:21
16. Zítra! / Morgen! op. 27, č. 4 / Op. 27, No 4 3:13
Ferdinand Pohlreich piano [1955] 8:40
Zpíváno v češtině / Sung in Czech
Ladislav Mráz (1923-1962) was a Czech operatic bass-baritone who had an active career in Czechoslovakia from 1943 through 1962. His voice is preserved on a number of recordings made on the Supraphon, Multisonic and Společnost Beno Blachuta labels, including complete recordings of Bedřich Smetana's The Devil's Wall, Antonín Dvořák's The Specter's Bride or Armida. Mráz studied singing at the Prague Conservatory with H.Vávra and Mrs. E. Fierlingerová. He made his professional opera debut at the opera house in Tábor in 1943 where he was committed for the 1943-1944 season. From 1944-1946 he sang at the Divadlo Josefa Kajetána Tyla in Plzeň. He was committed to the Prague State Opera from 1946-1948. In 1948 Mráz became a member of the Prague National Theatre. He returned to the State Opera in 1950 but then returned to the National Theatre in 1953 where he remained until his death nine years later. From 1948 to 1961 Mráz regularly appeared at the Prague Spring Festival. In 1956 he won first prize at the Dutch International Vocal Competition 's - Hertogenbosch. He appeared frequently in concerts and recitals in the Netherlands, performing as a soloist in such works as Johann Sebastian Bach's St Matthew Passion and Johannes Passion, and Ludwig van Beethoven's Symphony No. 9. Mráz also performed frequently with the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra as a soloist in oratorios, song cycles, and works of contemporary music. Guest appearances took him to opera houses in Paris, Vienna, and Holland.
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