Vilém Blodek - In The Well / V studni. Komická opera o 1 dějství
Stereo studio recording, 1959.
Milada Šubrtová, Štěpánka Štěpánová, Ivo Žídek, Zdeněk Kroupa
Chorus and Orchestra of the National Theatre in Prague
František Škvor conductor
For the first time, the comic opera In the Well is being released on CD in the original 1959 stereo version. This rare recording, never before released in stereo on any physical recording medium, was released briefly only on LP records in monaural sound in the first half of the 1960s. After that, the recording disappeared from the catalogue for many decades. This unique rarity from the dawn of the stereo era is only now, nearly 66 years later, being released in its original audio format after thorough audio restoration of the original tapes.
The recording features superb performances by the soloists Milada Šubrtová, Štěpánka Štěpánová, Ivo Žídek, and Zdeněk Kroupa. The chorus and orchestra of the National Theatre in Prague are conducted by František Škvor, and this performance is Škvor’s only complete opera recording in the Supraphon catalogue.
A Czech composer, choirmaster, flautist, pianist, and music teacher of the Romantic era, Vilém Blodek was born in 1834 in Prague. Thanks to his extraordinary musical talent, at the age of 12 he was already admitted to the Prague Conservatoire, where he studied the flute from 1846 to 1852. He won fame mainly for his comic opera In the Well. After its premiere, In the Well became the most frequently performed opera in this country, and from the end of the 1870s it began making its way abroad as well. Blodek also composed songs, sacred music, chamber music, orchestral works, and piano pieces. Besides the opera In the Well, he also composed the opera Clarissa and the unfinished opera Zítek. He suffered from mental illness, and he spent the last four years of his life in an insane asylum. He died in 1874 at the age of 39.
K roku české hudby a 150. výročí úmrtí českého hudebního skladatele Viléma Blodka připravil Supraphon skutečnou lahůdku pro milovníky operní hudby v podobě stereofonního snímku opery V studni z roku 1959, který nebyl dosud vydán na žádném fyzickém nosiči. Nahrávka byla sice krátce publikována v první polovině 60. let na dlouhohrajících deskách, ovšem pouze v monofonní verzi, a poté na dlouhá desetiletí zmizela z katalogu. Teprve nyní, po takřka 66 letech od vzniku snímku a po důkladné zvukové rekonstrukci z originálních pásů, vychází tato unikátní rarita z dob prvních krůčků stereofonie ve své původní zvukové kráse. Sólisty byli Milada Šubrtová, Štěpánka Štěpánová, Ivo Žídek a Zdeněk Kroupa. Sbor a orchestr Národního divadla v Praze dirigoval František Škvor, pro něhož je tento snímek zároveň jeho jedinou kompletní operní nahrávkou v katalogu Supraphonu.
(Supraphon 2025)
Property | Value |
format | CD audio |